
2016-12-05 11:11 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:黄艺


乐团涉猎的演出曲目广泛,成功演奏了大量古典主义、浪漫主义,以及近、现代交响乐经典作品;制作并参与演出了歌剧《托斯卡》《卡门》《魔笛》《爱之甘醇》《弄臣》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,民族歌剧 《悲怆的黎明》《冰山上的来客》《青春之歌》《土楼》《虎门长啸》等作品。 同时,乐团拥有交响音画《八闽画卷》《丝海梦寻组曲》《我的海峡》交响诗篇 《土楼回响》等充满浓郁福建特色的保留曲目,成为当代福建交响乐作品的优秀代表,受中外观众的喜爱与欢迎。

自2014年开始,乐团坚持每年推出交响乐音乐季,致力于传播高雅音乐,推广并弘扬杰出的福建作曲家及优秀作品。乐团与国内外众多著名音乐家保持着长期和良好的合作关系,与意大利歌剧节、香港歌剧院、国家大剧院等建立了广泛紧密的国际性合作网络,演出足迹遍布国内外数十个城市,曾荣获第十届中国艺术节“文华优秀剧目奖”、中国首届歌剧节 “优秀剧目奖”,以及福建省各类专业比赛金奖,为促进福建乃至全国交响音乐事业发展做出了突出贡献。

乐团积极拓展海外演出市场,加强对外文化交流,先后出访美国、澳大利亚、法国、意大利、西班牙、巴西、阿根廷、巴拿马、秘鲁、南非、毛里求斯、莱索托、日本、新加坡、马来西亚、朝鲜、印尼、菲律宾、泰国、香港、澳门等二十 几个国家和地区,受到热烈欢迎和高度评价。

Fujian Symphony Orchestra was established in 1985. It is the most outstanding professional symphony orchestra in Fujian province. The orchestra’s Artistic Director is Ye Meng. Cao Che and Gao Song are the resident conductors.

The orchestra has successfully staged a wide range of classical, romantic, and contemporary symphony pieces, producing and performing quite a few operas such as Tosca, Carmen, The Magic Flute, L’Elisird’Amore, Rigoletto and Romeo and Juliet, and some Chinese operas such as the Hakka‘s Earth Buildings and Roar in Humen, etc. The orchestra owns a few reserved pieces which reflect the unique Fujian characteristics, including the symphonic poems the Picture Scroll of Fujian, and the Echoes of the Hakka’s Earth Buildings, etc. These works which represent the top quality of contemporary symphonic pieces in Fujian are highly appreciated by both the local and foreign audience.

Since 2014, the orchestra has been organizing Fujian Symphony Music Seasons annually, bringing elegant music and the outstanding Fujian composers and pieces to the audience. The orchestra also involves in strong collaborating relationships with a large number of well-known Chinese and foreign musicians, and has built international cooperation networks with the Italian Opera Festival, Hong Kong Grand Theatre and the National Centre for the Performing Arts, staging concerts in dozens of cities in China and other countries. The orchestra was awarded the Excellent Programme Prize by the 10th China Art Festival and the 1st China Opera Festival, and quite a few other top prizes of provincial professional competitions, making remarkable contributions to the development of symphony in Fujian and China.

Fujian Symphony Orchestra is dedicated to exploring international performing arts market and enhancing the cultural exchanges between countries, and has visited and staged concerts in over 20 countries and regions including the United States, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Peru, South Africa, Mauritius, Lesotho, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau, receiving warm welcomes and being highly valued everywhere.