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Cross-Straits entrepreneur competition winners visit Pingtan
2016-11-08 10:34:50  来源:chinadaily.com.cn  责任编辑:黄艺  

The first cross-Straits innovation and entrepreneurship competition winners paid a visit to Pingtan in South China's Fujian Province on Nov 6.

The competition was jointly sponsored by the Fujian Development and Reform Commission, Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, Fujian Taiwan Affairs Office and Industrial Securities.

A total of ten companies stood out from the 544 entries from the mainland, Taiwan and other foreign countries, including Singapore and Malaysia, to become the final winners. They will be granted an investment worth 15 million yuan from the Pingtan government if they choose to reside in the city.

The winners toured around Pingtan Planning Pavilion, Taiwan Innovation Park and the Straits high-speed roll-on/roll-off passenger ship wharf, getting to know Pingtan's investment environment and its preferential polies for taxes, finance and innovation.

The competition winners tour around the Taiwan Innovation Park in Pingtan.[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Zhou Qinwu, general manager of Shenzhen Foreign Firm Seven Electronic Commerce Co, advised after visiting Aoqian Taiwan Town, that a cross-border e-commerce platform on which all mainland shoppers could purchase economical and high quality Taiwan products directly should be established in Pingtan.

Zhou Qinwu, general manager of Shenzhen Foreign Firm Seven Electronic Commerce Co gives an interview. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

"Pingtan is a wonderful venture base for Asian small and medium private companies to start their businesses," said Deng Meiling, general manager of Wisdom Network Technologies Co in Singapore. She also advised the local government to pay more attention to private companies in Asian developing countries such as Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar.

The competition’s first-prize winner, Ruilang Commercial International Holdings Co, has decided to relocate its headquarters to Pingtan.

Li Zhaojing, general manager of Ruilang Commercial International Holdings Co, said, “In light of the supportive funding, preferential policies and favorable business environment here, we plan to gradually relocate the headquarters and related business operations from Guangzhou and Shenzhen to Pingtan. Our products have already sold well in the US, and we shall start anew here and sell our products to the countries across the world."

Li Zhaojing, general manager of Ruilang Commercial International Holdings Co, pays a visit to the Pingtan Planning Pavilion. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

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