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2022-04-13 10:49:19  来源:东南网  责任编辑:孙紫腾  





















2.摄影A组、摄影B组、视频A组、视频B组二等奖各 3名,共12名;摄影组奖金1000元,视频组奖金3000元。




1.参赛者应填写报名表,并连同参赛作品按要求发送至邮箱地址 SRcompetition@163.com 提交,无需寄送作品;














The First Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition Is Calling For Entries

The 1st Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition, sponsored by 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee and Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government, hosted by Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government, Fuzhou People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Fuzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles and FJSEN.com, and supported by Publicity Department of CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Fuzhou Municipal Education Bureau, is a platform to enhance exchanges and communication and promote mutual understanding and friendship between the youth around the globe. The competition will serve as a window to showcase achievements in conservation of cultural heritage made by countries around the world. It has officially kicked off this month and is now calling for entries. Details about the competition are as follows:

I.Deadline of Submission

September 15, 2022


Entries should focus on the theme of “Cultural Heritage in My City". Photographers should try their best to demonstrate the local cultural heritage and the memories and cultural genes they carry with their cameras, so as to share the achievements made by their countries in cultural heritage conservation and inheritance with the world.

III.Rules of Entry 

1.Categories and Groups

The competition has two categories, one for photography, the other for short videos. Participants of each category will be further divided into Group A (targets at teenagers aged 16-18) and Group B (targets at teenagers aged 12-15). 


Participants are recommended to submit their entries via email to SRcompetition@163.com and specify the author’s name, nationality and other relevant information in the entry form that will accompany the entries. No more than two pieces of entries can be submitted by each participant/team. Each team should contain no more than 2 members and have no more than 2 tutors. 

The entries must be original and unpublished works, and shall not copy or appropriate from other photographers. In case of copyright disputes, participants shall assume full responsibility. Entries will not be returned. The organizer shall have the right to use the prize-winning works in media including but not limited to books, newspapers, magazines, films and television, and the Internet, and shall not pay remuneration for the works adopted.

For photos:

(1) Entries can be created by cameras or mobile phones and should be relevant with the theme of “cultural heritage in my city”. Entries can be in color or black and white. It’s recommended that each entry be labeled with title, author, and contact information.

(2) Only digital photos submitted via e-mail will be accepted. Each entry must be in JPG format and the file size should be no less than 5MB. The raw data files should be kept for verification as finalists must submit the RAW or original camera files by request. Digital manipulation should not distort the integrity of the subject.

(3) You may focus on any content relevant with the theme. A description of no less than 100 words (or 30 Chinese characters) either in English or Chinese is required to explain your thoughts behind the photo.

For short videos:

(1) Entries can be created by cameras or mobile phones and should be relevant with the theme of “cultural heritage in my city”. The author may edit the video according to needs.

(2) Only short-video files submitted via e-mail will be accepted. The minimal requirement for resolution is 720P and short videos submitted should be in MP4 format. The original videos and raw data files should be kept for verification as finalists must submit the RAW or original camera files by request. 

(3) You may focus on any content relevant with the theme. A description of no less than 100 words (or 30 Chinese characters) either in English or Chinese is required to explain your thoughts behind the video.

(4) All components of short video, such as images or video clips should be original. The creator should be liable for any copyright issues 

3.Awards Setting

Each of the four groups mentioned above will have 1 first-prize winner; 3 second-prize winners; 5 third-prize winners and 10 excellence award winners.


(1) First Prize: RMB 2000 Yuan for Photography Category; RMB 5000 Yuan for Short Video Category

(2) Second Prize: RMB 1000 Yuan for Photography Category; RMB 3000 Yuan for Short Video Category

(3) Third Prize: RMB 500 Yuan for Photography Category; RMB 1000 Yuan for Short Video Category

(4)Excellence Award: Souvenir 

IV.Official Website


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