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www.fjnet.cn 2013-10-23 13:44  倪红梅 顾震球 来源:新华网 我来说两句

China's UN envoy calls for support to least developed countries

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- The international community should strengthen their support to the least developed countries as it is of great importance to achieving Millennium Development Goals (MGDs), said a Chinese envoy to UN on Monday.

Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, made the remark at a meeting of the General Assembly Second Committee on the theme of "Groups of countries in special situations."

"Against the backdrop of a world economy characterized by continuous adjustments and unabated uncertainties, the least developed countries (LDCs) and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), as the most vulnerable groups of the international community, face ever increasing challenges," said Wang.

Effective support to these countries is of great importance to the pursuit of the MDGs and even the promotion of global development and economic growth, he said.

Wang held that the international community should strengthen the implementation of the Istanbul Declaration and Almaty Programs of Action and other related commitments, faithfully respect the leadership and ownership of these countries for their own development, translate commitments into actions to help them deal with various external challenges and shocks.

Official Development Assistance (ODA) represents the most direct and effective support to these countries, said Wang, noting that major donors should earnestly fulfill their ODA commitments and improve the distribution of assistance in line with the development priorities of the above countries.

"The international community should comprehensively ratchet up the whole package of support measures for the LDCs and the LLDCs, focusing particularly on productive capacity, agriculture, primary commodities as well as sectors essential to their sustainable development such as trade, infrastructure, and transportation," said Wang.

Wang noted that the Comprehensive 10-year Review Conference on the Implementation of the Almaty Program of Action, to be held in 2014, will further strengthen international consensus.

China will continue to support the development of the LLDCs and stands ready to join the international community in contributing to the success of the Conference, he said.

"As a staunch supporter and active promoter of the development of the LDCs and the LLDCs, China has been providing assistance to these countries to the best of its ability via various channels and means within the framework of South-South cooperation," Wang stressed.

China is committed to granting zero tariff treatment to 97 percent of tax items imported from the LDCs with which it has diplomatic relations. During his visit to Africa in March, President Xi Jinping announced a series of new initiatives in support of Africa's development.

In cooperation with the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and the Small Island Developing States, China has hosted a number of training courses for government officials especially from these countries.

"These training programs have been well received by the participants for their effectiveness," Wang added.


新华网联合国10月21日电(记者倪红梅 顾震球)中国常驻联合国副代表王民21日说,支持最不发达国家和内陆发展中国家的发展对实现千年发展目标和全球经济发展具有重要意义,国际社会应落实相关承诺举措。





  • 责任编辑:林雯晶  陈瑜辉
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