福建,地处东南沿海,海峡西岸。早在5000年前就有闽越先民在此创造了昙石山文化,孕育了福建海洋文明。千百年来,闽越文化与中原文化相融相生,在历史进程中不断形成发展了闽南文化、客家文化、妈祖文化、朱子文化、船政文化、畲族文化等地域特色文化。 Fujian is located along the southeastern coast of China and on the western coast of the Taiwan Strait. The ancestors already created the Tanshishan Culture and incubated the marine civilization of Fujian 5000 years ago. Through the years, Minyue Culture and Central China culture have become merged and developed further into the current Minnan (South Fujian) culture, Hakka culture, Mazu culture, Zhuzi culture, shipbuilding culture, She culture and other specialty local cultures. 福建文化底蕴深厚,文化资源丰富,多元文化交融,拥有众多物质文化遗产。目前,全省拥有武夷山、福建土楼、鼓浪屿3处世界文化遗产,海上丝绸之路、三坊七巷、木拱廊桥、闽南红砖建筑等4个项目列入《中国世界文化遗产预备名录》。拥有全国重点文物保护单位137处,国家级和省级历史文化名城各4座,共有省级以上历史文化名镇、名村163个,中国传统村落229个。 Fujian has a profound cultural background and rich cultural resources. Diversified cultures have become merged and many tangible cultural heritages have been created here, including 3 world cultural heritages, i.e. Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Earthen Building and Gulang Island. There are also 4 projects which are included in the World Heritage tentative list in China, including Maritime Silk Road, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Wooden Canopied Bridge and Red Brick Buildings of South Fujian. Fujian also has 137 key national protected units of cultural relics, 4 national and provincial famous cities of history and culture, 163 provincial and higher-level famous towns and villages of history and culture and 229 traditional Chinese villages. 福建现有国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目130项。有7个项目入选联合国教科文组织的世界非物质文化遗产名录,其中南音、妈祖信俗、中国剪纸(漳浦、柘荣)、中国木结构传统建筑营造技艺(闽南民居营造技艺)入选《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》,木拱廊桥营造技艺、水密隔舱福船制造技艺入选《急需保护的人类非物质文化遗产名录》,福建木偶戏传承人培养计划入选《非物质文化遗产优秀实践名册》,是我国在国际非遗保护三个系列中均有入选项目的唯一省份。福建的雕刻闻名中外,德化瓷塑、厦门漆线雕、福州脱胎漆器和软木画久负盛名,剪纸、彩扎、藤艺、刺绣和灯彩在全国有一定的影响力。福建自古书画名家辈出,绘画形式多样,有漆画、永春纸织画、漳州木版年画、诏安书画、尤溪戏文壁画等。 Fujian currently has 130 representative projects of national intangible cultural heritages and 7 projects included in the UNESCO'S Catalogue of the World Cultural Heritages' Names of China. Nanyin, Mazu Faith, Chinese Paper Cutting (Zhangpu, Zherong) and Building Techniques of Chinese Traditional Wooden Architectures (building techniques of civilian houses of South Fujian) are included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Building Techniques of Wooden Canopied Bridges and Building Techniques of Vessel of Luck with Watertight Bays are included in the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Requiring Urgent Protection. Fujian Puppet Play Successor Development Program is included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Safeguarding Practices. As a result, Fujian is the only province with projects included in all the three series of international intangible cultural heritage protection. Fujian is world-famous for its carving and engraving techniques, particularly Dehua Porcelain Statue, Xiamen Lacquer Thread Sculpture, Fuzhou Bodiless Lacquerware and Cork Picture. Meanwhile, Fujian's paper cutting, Caizha, caneware, embroidery and ornamental lamp are also famous across China. Fujian is home to numerous famous masters of calligraphy and painting in history. Diversified forms of paintings have been created here, including lacquer painting, Yongchun paper woven painting, Zhangzhou New Year woodcut, Zhao'an calligraphic painting, Youxi wall painting of opera text, etc. 福建是传统戏曲大省,现存梨园戏、莆仙戏、闽剧、高甲戏、歌仔戏等18个本土剧种和京剧、越剧等5个跨省剧种,还有提线木偶戏、布袋戏等5种木偶戏类型,形态多样,历史悠久,在全国居重要地位,一批优秀剧目在国内外重要文化活动中屡获殊荣。 Fujian is a big province of traditional operas which include 18 local operas like Liyuan Opera, Puxian Opera, Min Opera, Gaojia Opera and Gezai Opera and 5 non-local operas like Peking Opera and Yue Opera. There are also 5 forms of puppet play, including thread-operated puppet play and glove-operated puppet play. Some of its excellent plays have received honors repeatedly in major domestic and international cultural events. 当前,福建文化紧紧围绕海上丝绸之路核心区建设,不断提升文化创新力、竞争力和软实力,着力推进“文化强省”建设目标,为“再上新台阶,建设新福建”提供强大的精神动力和文化支撑。 Capitalizing on its status as a core region of the Maritime Silk Road, Fujian is trying to enhance its creativity, competitiveness and soft power in the cultural industry and develop itself into a "powerful province of culture" with an aim to provide significant spiritual driving forces and cultural supports to its goal of "setting a new milestone and developing a new Fujian".