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China announces sanctions on 28 U.S. individuals including Pompeo
usa.fjsen.com 2021-01-21 10:35:44   来源:Xinhua 责任编辑:陈佳丽

BEIJING, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- China has decided to sanction 28 persons who have seriously violated China's sovereignty and who have been mainly responsible for a series of crazy U.S. moves on China-related issues, a foreign ministry spokesperson announced on Thursday.

They include Michael R. Pompeo, Peter K. Navarro, Robert C. O'Brien, David R. Stilwell, Matthew Pottinger, Alex M. Azar II, Keith J. Krach, and Kelly D. K. Craft of the Trump administration as well as John R. Bolton and Stephen K. Bannon.

"These individuals and their immediate family members are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of China. They and companies and institutions associated with them are also restricted from doing business with China," the spokesperson said.

Over the past few years, some anti-China politicians in the United States, out of their selfish political interests and prejudice and hatred against China and showing no regard for the interests of the Chinese and American people, have planned, promoted and executed the crazy moves which have gravely interfered in China's internal affairs, undermined China's interests, offended the Chinese people, and seriously disrupted China-U.S. relations, according to the Foreign Ministry.

"The Chinese government is firmly resolved to defend China's national sovereignty, security and development interests," said the spokesperson. Enditem

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