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Pic story of dancers whose performance at Spring Festival gala went viral online

2021-02-23 09:57:18   来源: Xinhua  责任编辑: 陈佳丽  

Combo photo shows dancers posing for photos during the recording of a program at Henan Museum in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province, Feb. 20, 2021. Fourteen dancers from Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater have been very busy since the dancing they performed went viral online. The performance, named Banquet of Tang Palace, was staged at the Spring Festival gala of Henan Province. Brilliantly choreographed and acted, the dancing has almost brought ancient dancing figurines of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) alive. The performance Banquet of Tang Palace, inspired by the dancing figurines displayed at a museum, tells a story about the life of female musicians during the Tang Dynasty. "We've been meditating the proper way to perform the postures and facial expressions of the female musicians living in Tang Dynasty with dance after we saw the dancing figurines displayed at museum", said Chen Lin, a director of the theater. It's not an easy task for the dancers. Every time before performing, they have to spend at least three hours on make-up and preparation. They even have to stuff their mouths with cotton and put on cotton-padded costumes to achieve the plump appearance of the Tang Dynasty people. The efforts have paid off and their performances are highly recommended among internet viewers. "The approval from the audience tells us that traditional culture is attractive once it's properly displayed." Chen Lin said. (Xinhua/Li An)

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