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Interview: Ethiopian official says CPC serves as best example of achieving miracles

2021-03-26 10:19:54   来源: Xinhua  责任编辑: 陈佳丽  

ADDIS ABABA, March 25 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) can serve as a best example across the world of breaking a circle of problems and achieving miracles at home and in the global arena, a senior official from Ethiopia's ruling Prosperity Party has said.

Making the remarks in a recent interview with Xinhua, Bikila Hurisa, head of the Ethiopian party's public and international relations, stressed that developing countries, such as Ethiopia, could learn a lot from what China has done in the past decades.

"Over the last 50 years, what China has achieved is a real miracle that particularly every citizen of the world can witness," Hurisa said, highlighting China's success in lifting a population of hundreds of millions out of poverty and building a moderately prosperous society.

He said that the global community, particularly the developing world, should analyze the major secrets behind China's success to adjust and introduce the Chinese model to their own systems.

"What are the secrets of this miracle is a very important question that every developing country should think, and the leadership and political parties of the world, particularly the poor countries, should think," he noted.

According to Hurisa, one major factor behind the Chinese miracle is the CPC's leadership in terms of truly understanding the real problems facing the Chinese people.

Hurisa underscored the crucial role of China's reforms, which he described as a people-centered agenda, in terms of pulling hundreds of millions of the Chinese people out of poverty.

"The leadership role of the CPC is very important," he noted. "What other countries should learn is when your people are in absolute poverty, governments and parties should take the leadership, and the role of the state and the role of a strong party in solving the real problems of the citizens is very, very strong and clear."

"That's what we have learned from the CPC and what we learned from the Chinese leadership," he added.

During the interview, Hurisa spoke highly of the importance Chinese government has attached to science, technology and innovation, which he said has helped a lot in solving the real problems facing the Chinese people.

"This is a miracle." Whenever a nation includes creativity and innovation in problem-solving, it will create a miracle, he said.

Bikila Hurisa, head of Ethiopia's ruling Prosperity Party's Public and International Relations, receives interview with Xinhua in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on March 4, 2021. (Xinhua/Michael Tewelde)

He said investments in research and development, innovations and technology have significantly helped China promote investment, employment and entrepreneurship that are locally based, as well as home-grown creativity.

Hurisa also praised China's growing positive influence in global poverty reduction, socioeconomic development, as well as in diplomatic arenas, which he said is widely visible in Ethiopia.

"All the bilateral and multilateral relationships that China developed with other parts of the world are based on peaceful relationships, mutual development, mutual businesses, mutual interactions, people-to-people relationships, business-to-business relationships," he said.

"These are very important, and that's why China is getting more and more recognition from all parts of the world," he emphasized.

Ethiopia in general and the ruling party in particular, according to Hurisa, have significantly benefited from the CPC's and the Chinese government's very strategic and positive engagement in Ethiopia's drive for development.

"Ethiopia does not forget the role the Chinese government, under the leadership of the CPC, played in (solving) the social economic and political problems of Ethiopia," he added.

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