
    2016-04-06 07:19:15  来源:东南网    责任编辑:柳丹

 Guide of ‘Impressions of Fuzhou’ The 1st Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition of Elementary and Middle School Students



Fujian is one of the most famous hometowns of overseas Chinese. For now a total of 4 million overseas Chinese are widely distributed in more than 160 countries and areas worldwide. Although overseas Chinese are living on foreign land, they are rooted in homeland, and their bloodline belongs to their homeland. The revitalization of Chinese nation, the inheritance of Chinese Culture, and the happiness of compatriots, have always been rooted in the mind of broad masses of overseas Chinese.


To actively show the image of Fuzhou, and to attract more and more next generation of overseas Chinese for a better understanding of Fuzhou, as well as the development of their hometown, we are now launching Impressions of Fuzhou, the 1st Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition of Elementary and Middle School Students. Compatriots who live abroad, and young people from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are invited to discover the extensive and profound Chinese culture together, and sharing our glowing passion for hometown, family affection, as well as friendship via painting, calligraphy and essay, showing the heavy historical and cultural accumulation of the blessed city (Fuzhou) and the dramatic changes in city development.




Organizers Foreign and overseas Chinese affairs Office of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government Fuzhou Evening News

承办单位:东南网 闽侨网 Sponsors m.folksfolks.com

协办单位:海外侨社、华文学校 Co-sponsors Overseas Chinese Associations Overseas Chinese Schools


Standing Body The Organizing Committee of impressions of Fuzhou, the 1st Overseas Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition

大赛作品申报、展示平台:东南网 闽侨网

The platform of applying and exhibition m.folksfolks.com


◆大赛主题Theme of the competition


Oversea Chinese young people can express their impressions and inner feelings of Fuzhou via paintings, calligraphies and essays, styling with ease and freedom, writing with full affection.



征稿: 2015年12月至2016年5月 Contributions wanted: From December 2015 to May 2016

评选:2016年6月 Selection: June 2016

颁奖:2016年7月 Awards: July 2016


◆参赛资格 Qualification


This contest is open to overseas Chinese, elementary and middle School students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, either individually or as a team. Relatives of workers and judges are excluded.




Creating Date All completed works of paintings, calligraphies and essays must be created during December 2015 to May 2016.


Specifications Painting type in any form is accepted. Children’s Painting must be no larger than quarto paper(40*60cm). Chinese painting and calligraphy must be within the size of 60cm*138cm.

征文细则要求 : Detailed rules for essays


Essays must be written closely around the theme. There is no restriction on genre; for example, prose, poetry and mini-novel are all accepted. Essays must be written in an easy and fluent style, and full of true feelings.


Prose and mini-novel should be around 1,500 words long. All essays must be original works. Copies and changes are forbidden. Please keep the original work.


There is no requirement for essay illustration, but well-illustrated and edited essays may get extra points during selection.


◆参赛指南Participation Steps

1、可登陆大赛官网、加大赛QQ群、关注大赛微博、微信,了解大赛相关信息。 Candidates can obtain information about this competition by logging into the official website, joining QQ group, and following the official accounts of Weibo and Wechat.

大赛官网:yxfz.fjsen.com Official Website: yxfz.fjsen.com

官方QQ群:498635809 大赛最新动态、报名参赛相关疑问可在群内公布答和解答。(验证问题:本次大赛官网设在?答案:东南网)

Official QQ Group: 498635809 Most recently updates will be announced and related questions about signing up will be answered in this group. (Verification Questions: What is the official site of this contest? Answer: fjsen.com)


Official Wechat QR Code Official Weibo QR Code


Participants should log on to the official website and be aware of the entry information, then download and fulfill the application form in detail. Personal information should be attached, and category of groups and entries should be indicated.


Entries can be submitted by emailing to specified email address, or mailing:

a.通过指定投稿邮箱: 3345905079@qq.com,发送至组委会。

Specified submission email address: 3345905079@qq.com, and the recipient is The Organizing Committee.

b.参赛作品请寄往福州市华林路84号福建日报大厦4层东南网海外部收, 邮政编码:350003,来稿请在信封上注明“印象•福州”书画、征文大赛字 样, 书画作品不要装裱。

Entries can also be mailed to Fjsen.com Overseas Department (Address: the 4th Floor, Fujian daily building, 84 Hualin Rd, Fuzhou, 350003). Please indicate on the envelope, for example, impressions of Fuzhou, Painting, Calligraphy and Essay Competition. Paintings and calligraphies should not be framed.


Notes: It is recommended that participants submit via email. Essay Documents or photos of paintings and calligraphies can be named and submitted to the Organizing Committee along with fulfilled application form.


Application form must be attached along with package or email.


◆评选步骤Selection Procedure


Initial Screening: Entries not conformed to the theme will be rejected by the Organizing Committee.

2、将筛选后的参赛作品发布于大赛官网中进行网络展示,让全球网友对作品进行欣赏、点赞;      Qualified works will be exhibited on the official website, appreciated and liked by global Internet users.


Experts group will vote and choose the awarded works in each category.


Notes: During online exhibition and giving thumbs up, all works are supervised by Internet Users. Candidates will be disqualified once found plagiarized or non-original.




Children’s group (aged 6-12) and Junior’s group (aged 13-18) will be awarded separately.


Painting and calligraphies, and essays competitions will be awarded separately in each group, and prizes for each competition are set as following: One Grand Prize will receive ¥2,000. Five First Prize winners will receive ¥1,000. Ten Second Prize winners will receive ¥500. Fifteen Third Prize winners will receive ¥200 and several Excellence Award will also be given. Three winners of the Award of Popularity will receive ¥700.


The Award of Popularity will be given according to the numbers of likes.


A total of ten Overseas Communities, Overseas Chinese Medias, and other organizations will be awarded as the Best Organizations.


All prizewinners will be awarded as Fuzhou Young Overseas Ambassadors.

5、邀请大赛获奖者回福州参观访问。 All prizewinners will be invited to visit Fuzhou city.


◆奖项评选Awards selection

时间:2016年6月 Time: June 2016


When the ratio of the number of entries to the number of awards goes to 10:1, or the total number of entries reaches 800 (entries are required to be widely distributed throughout the world, five continents), the Organizing Committee will invite famous scholars, calligraphers and painters, experts and professors from colleges and universities as judges, forming the expert group, and choosing the winners for each award.


◆颁奖Awards announcement

时间:2016年7月 Time: July 2016


The award ceremony will be hosted and awards winners will be announced.


◆优秀作品巡展Itinerant exhibition of outstanding works

时间:2016年8月至12月 Time: August 2016 to December 2016


◆补充说明Additional information


No application fees or related fees are required for participants.


Participants should follow all rules and regulations, and cooperate with related arrangements.


All entries will not be returned, please keep the original works.


The Organizing Committee has the rights to display entries free of charge.

5、组委会对活动公告、附件及其补充文件拥有最终解释权。未尽事宜,由组委会另行制定补充规则。 The Organizing Committee hold the final explanation right of announcements, attachments and supplementary documents. Any unaccomplished matter will be regulated by supplementary documents made by The Organizing Committee.


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