作品名称:《Seeking the Past》 作品类别:绘画 作者:赖忻榕 年龄:16岁(女) 所在国/地区:菲律宾 指导老师:Ms. Eunice Mariefranz L. Ching 选送单位:Saint Jude Catholic School 创作思路:As a Chinese-Filipino descendant from Fuzhou who is curious about my ancestors, my artwork is inspired by the idea of time travelling towards the past, as I’ve wondered how my ancestors have lived in Fuzhou. Showcasing the unchanging beauty of三坊七巷 as the background, I’ve depicted one of my favorite scenes with a twist. Instead of umbrellas hanging on a line, small figures holding traditional umbrellas fly above a woman, who is facing back, holding a traditionally designed modern umbrella and wearing a modernized version of the traditional Fuzhou designed Cheongsam, walking towards a “portal” to the explore the past. |