Cultural heat wave set off, “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings”tour in Australia

2016-12-12 09:05 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:黄艺


    As the last station of “Sounds from Fujian” Concert program in Australia, The symphonic concert “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” was performed by Fujian Symphony Orchestra, at Sydney City Hall on December 10.


东南网12月11日讯(本网记者 邓春花 黄艺 林佳慧 刘畅 郑思源 郑皓天 图/文) 福建交响乐团携《土楼回响》大型交响音乐会澳大利亚巡演最终站于当地时间12月10日晚在悉尼市政厅震撼上演。至此,“土楼南行”之旅圆满收官。同时,2016年澳大利亚“中国·福建周”落下帷幕。







Cultural heat wave set off, “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings”tour in Australia

By Deng Chunhua, Huang Yi, Lin Jiahui, Liu Chang, Zheng Siyuan, Zheng Haotian

December 11, 2016

As the last station of “Sounds from Fujian” Concert program in Australia, The symphonic concert “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” was performed by Fujian Symphony Orchestra, at Sydney City Hall on December 10, bringing down the curtain of 2016 China, Fujian Week in Australia.

This year is the 35th anniversary for Fujian province in China and Tasmania in Australia, for their sister province/state relationship. As the main event 2016 China, Fujian week in Australia, artists in Fujian Culture and Arts Delegation also provided two concerts on December 6 and 8, respectively in Melbourne and Hobart, turning out full house for every single event. Besides “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” conducted by Maestro Zheng Xiaoying, songs with Chinese style and Fujian cultural Characteristics, such as “Three Lanes and Seven Alleys”, Piano Concerto “Yellow River”, were also performed. It is worth mentioning that pianist Caroline Almonte was also invited to join this tour.

“Originated in the middle China, Migrated toward south during a long period, the Hakka people built earth buildings shoulder to shoulder, with their work songs loud through the sky.” Symphonic epic “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” written by famous composer Liu Yuan was awarded Gold Medal Winner of the first “Golden Bell Award”. As a classic combination of Hakka culture and contemporary music , this masterpiece is also regarded as the first symphonic song especially for Hakka people in the world.

“The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” is a mix of Western symphony performing, Hakka folk song and leaf playing, which performing a great western symphonic audio-visual feast with oriental features for audience in Australia. With bilingual introduction, the audience learnt the story in this song, how Hakka people struggling and fighting. The Australian people also feel the Hakka spirit, which is perseverance, forging ahead and marched forward bravely. At the end of each event, the audience always showed their respect with standing ovation and long-lasting applause. The artists presented several songs as encores.

“When I first performed in Canberra 31years ago, I realized that the local people didn’t know much about China. The only thing they had heard of was the Chinese Opera. Few people thought China also had its own Symphony songs and bands. Now 31years passed, we were here back to Australia again, hoping to bring our outstanding music, our traditional culture overseas, heard by more and more people.” Said by 87-years old Maestro Zheng Xiaoying, the great conductor from Hakka. Once holding the baton, talking about music, this old lady will become full of passion. Maestro Zheng said that all she dreamt about is bringing “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings”, the charming Chinese culture to every single corner of the world. She hopes that people all over the world would become familiar with Chinese culture, and hear the unique Chinese symphony.

“The Hakka symphonic song was amazing! I can imagine how grand the earth buildings are. How Hakka people strived is so impressive!” a large number of audiences had this same feeling. Mrs Yang, overseas Chinese aging 80, told us that although the event end late in the night, she still came with a few friends, ”I was so excited when I heard that Zheng Xiaoying was coming to Sydney. She is 7 years elder than me, but she looks full of inspiration! I wish her all the best. I’m so proud that symphony orchestra from our motherland can bring such a wonderful show to Sydney.” Paul, who is a local violinist, said that he had never heard such powerful and amazing Chinese symphonic concert. He also mentioned that the Hakka fold song, as well as the leaf playing, was quite different from traditional western symphony,”I can feel the clash between Eastern culture and Western culture. Bravo!”

According to information, “The Echoes of Hakka’s Earth Buildings” has been performed a total of 66 times, in China and 12 countries so far. This tour is also one of the spreading and communication promoting programs of China National Arts Fund in 2015. “Sounds from Fujian” concert tour in Australia was bilingually follow-up reported by Fujian Southeast Net Australia.

Translated by Huang Yi

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