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2014-12-09 09:48:04  来源:中央纪委监察部网站  责任编辑:陈玮 陈瑜辉  




CCDI/MOS Online Column to Receive Reports on

Corrupt Fugitives and Overseas Corruption Proceeds

Corrupt officials who absconded abroad with corruption proceeds have ruined the Party ethics and discipline, dishonored the Party and the government, undermined social justice, and incited public resentment. Therefore, they must be brought to justice. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to fugitive repatriation and asset recovery. All competent departments are required to intensify their efforts and ensure that foreign countries and regions should not be safe havens for corrupt officials and corrupt officials should not escape from justice. The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration and G20 Leaders’ Communiqué Brisbane Summit record the commitment of world leaders to strengthening cooperation on corrupt fugitive repatriation and asset recovery.

Under this circumstance, on Dec 9th 2014, the Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group will create a column on CCDI/MOS website to receive reports from home and abroad. Credible reports on clues of Party members and public officials who have fled or transferred suspected corruption proceeds abroad are encouraged. Specialized staff will be designated to handle the reports in a timely manner and the rights of whistleblowers will be protected in accordance with law.

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