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2016-11-18 16:50:09林佳慧 来源: 东南网  责任编辑: 文洁   我来说两句

Xiamen Tourism Bureau to Promote the “Beautiful Xiamen” in Australia

By Jessie, Southeast Net Australia, November 18

On the afternoon of 17th November, The “Refreshing Fujian, Beautiful Xiamen” Tourism Promotion Event was held in Sydney, Australia. The event was hosted by Xiamen Tourism Bureau and organized by Xiamen C&D International Travel Service Group. Counselor of China Consulate General in Sydney, Ms. Wang Hongbo, Director General of Xiamen Tourism Bureau, Ms. Yang Qi, Director of China National Tourist Office in Australian and New Zealand, Mr. Luo Weijian, General Manager of Xiamen Airlines Sydney office, Mr. Chen Yanghua, Client Service Manager from Business Events Sydney, Ms. Sandy Tseng, Chairman and CEO of C&D International Travel Service Group Ms. Chen Lishuang, and other travel agents, airlines and media representatives nearly 60 guests attended to the event.

The promotional symposium started with the video named “Xiamen, on the sea” and Ms. Yang Qi delivered a speech. She pointed out that Xiamen lies in the southeast of China, which is an important core area for “One Belt and One Road” strategy. In recent years, with the development of Xiamen tourism services and urban construction, the city is getting attractive to increasing number of tourists from all over the world. Until the last three seasons of 2016, Xiamen made a record number of 2.611 million visits, which is 16.2% higher than that in 2015. Among this record, 23,700 visits are from Australia, which is 9.8 percent higher than that of last year; 8,400 visits are from New Zealand, which is 67.97 percent higher than that of last year. All these data shows that Tourism Brand of “Beautiful Xiamen” has gained greater reputation and influence all over the world.

Nowadays, Xiamen has opened the direct air route to Australia, taking only 9 hours. 14 weekly nonstop flight making it possible for Australians to travel around Xiamen, with the practice of convenient 72-hour transit visa free and departure tax refund. The Xiamen tourism promotion will open a brand new chapter for strengthening people to people relationship and cooperation between Xiamen and Australia.

Xiamen Tourism Promotion Ambassador and the Inbound Center Manager Ms.Chen Juan from Xiamen C&D International Travel Service Group made the presentation with the theme of “ENJOY AMOY”, and introduced Xiamen tourist recourses through the following 4 aspects: diversified architectural culture, enjoyable tea culture, abundant food culture and unique folk culture to the attendants. These showed the long history of human culture, beautiful natural environment and unique folk customs. Meanwhile, she particularly introduced the vigorous developments of Xiamen exhibition industry.

Later, Alex, the Sales Manager of Xiamen Airline in Sydney office introduced the aviation resources of Xiamen Airline. He said that since the end of last year when Xiamen airline launched a non-stop flight route linking Xiamen/Fuzhou with Sydney/Melbourne, there had been increased numbers of Australian tourists travelling to Fujian for holidays. In addition, there are many travelers had gone to other major Chinese cities with domestic 230 routes of Xiamen Airline. At present, Xiamen Airline has widely launched more than 60 international and regional air routes, the volume of passenger traffic every year has reached more than 23 million.

During the promotion event, Director General Yang Qi form Xiamen Tourism Bureau, awards a tablet named “Xiamen Tourism Bureau Sydney Office” to Mr Chen Yang Hua, General Manager of Xiamen Airline, Sydney Office. At the same time, some of the key Australian travel agents are appointed as “Xiamen Tourism Promotion Ambassador” aiming to promote Xiamen tourism in Australia.

After the promotional symposium, the guests joined the unique and traditional activity called “Bobing” Game in Xiamen. By report, the Tourism Promotion Event with the theme of “Beautiful Xiamen” will also be held in Auckland New Zealand later.

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